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Helping HANDS

Become a Shanklin Friend - Lend a Hand!


Most opportunities are for 1-2 hours at a time.  Some happen every month, week, or a couple of times a week.  Others only happen once or twice in a school year.  Volunteers through Friends of Shanklin who have passed the simple, online background check can choose from several opportunities. Pick what interests you and fits your schedule. Volunteer throughout the school year to:


  • Tutor/Mentor.  Help students improve their Reading and Math skills.  Reading tutors are always needed grades K-2 and sometimes in higher grades.  Math tutors are often needed grades 2 - 5. Think how to mentor a student so he/she interacts with an appropriate role model.

  • Assist teachers.  Run errands, make copies, provide necessary support to teachers.  Help teachers be prepared and have quality time for class instruction.

  • Assist staff.  Help hang artwork, organize and sort supplemental student clothing and supplies, etc.  Your help allows the staff to complete their important duties.

  • Share your expertise. Share your experiences - career, travels, hobbies - throughout the year with short presentations to enhance learning so students can better visualize and understand with hands-on activities. Students need to see the bigger world and dream of possibilities.

  • Special events.  Help provide important staffing for special events when extra adults are needed.  Staff the school store, monitor the lunchroom, assist with school pictures, help during Club Days, or chaperone a field trip. Join with FOS during our Book Giveaways! Without your help, these events would not happen.


   There is a need right now for volunteers!












Volunteers DO need a quick online background check!


Tutors needed for Emerging Scholars program!

This new after school program for 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders

runs every Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday.

Help boost reading and math skills to improve academic achievement!

                                                                                                                                                             updated October 2024             




Neighborly Network_edited.jpg

Click here to open a copy of the   

Neighborly Network flyer!

Hover your camera over the QR codes  on the   

Neighborly Network flyer

to access additional info and

to sign up as a volunteer!



STEP #2 - Fill out the BCSD Volunteer Application




If you are interested in any volunteer opportunities or

want assistance with the background check process,

contact Joy Kraft at 513-476-6726 or


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